Sandra Van Stratten - Dietary Advisor

Hi and welcome to my website.  I am Sandra and I am a qualified dietary advisor originating from London, England and now residing in Goa.  I am passionate about helping and advising people on what can be done to reduce curable ailments like weight related problems, IBS, diabetes, and high blood pressure etc by the maintenance of a quality dietary intake without the need for drugs or surgery.  

We all like to think that we are eating a healthy diet but are we?

A healthier lifestyle can, in part, be achieved from eating a healthy diet whereby we obtain maximum benefit from what we eat.  Contrary to belief that "We are what we eat", we actually are what we DIGEST and ABSORB.  Elimination of waste products also plays an important role in a healthy diet.


Let me guide you along the path of a healthier life by providing you with personal, individual and confidential advice that will include the latest food allergy testing technology, detailed food diary analysis, what food is recommended for your blood type and of course continued support.

Please enter your name, phone number, email address and your message below.  If you have heard nothing within 48 hours please call me on +919822176791.

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It is important to have some idea of what your body may be intolerant to so I offer an allergy and intolerance testing service with the latest technology that is relaxing, harmless and very informative.....with immediate results.
By adopting a healthier diet, certain disorders and ailments can be eliminated or their effects at least lessened. i.e.
- Digestive disorders, e.g. Celiac disease, constipation, flatulence,H.Pylori, gastric ulcers, indigestion and IBS.
- Immune conditions, e.g. Allergies, and food allergies and intolerances.
- Cardiovascular diseases and hypertension.
- Respiratory and urinary disorders, e.g. asthma, cystitis and kidney stones.
- Musculo-skeletal disorders, e.g. Arthritis, osteoporosis, gout, rickets and osteomalaci.
- Skin disorders, e.g. Acne, athlete's foot, dermatitis, dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, and shingles. 


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